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Dr Satinder Kaur
Designation: Molecular Geneticist
Office Phone: 0161-2401960 Ext 270
Mobile: +919872625702
Email: satinder.biotech@pau.edu

Education: B.Sc., Khalsa College for Women, Ludhiana (Medical); M.Sc., PAU, Ludhiana (Genetics); Ph.D., PAU, Ludhiana (Genetics)

Positions held: Molecular Geneticist, PAU Ludhiana (2008-till date), Research Associate (2001-2008)

Field of Specialization: Molecular Genetics, Wheat Wide hybridization

Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=BvKmjgsAAAAJ

Research Interests:

  1. Pre-breeding in wheat: Transfer, mapping and cloning of economically important gene from wild progenitor and non-progenitor of wheat to cultivated wheats
  2. Host pathogen interaction: especially in wheat rusts
  3. Improvement of disease resistance in Mungbean and Urdbean

Research Projects:

International projects

  1. DBT-BBSRC Project on A genomic assisted synthetic hexaploid wheat gene isolation and pre-breeding platform for improved heat tolerance and sustainable production. (2015-19) (PI)
  2. DST Indo-Australia Project on Mining for Heat Tolerance of Wheat in Australian and Indian environments (2015-18) (PI)

National projects

  1. DBT Project on Genome-wide introgression of tetraploid non-progenitor Aegilops peregrina (UUSS) in hexaploid wheat background and mapping of multiple disease resistance (2022-27) (PI)
  2. DBT Project on Characterization and evaluation of wheat germplasm for biotic stress resistance (2020-25) (PI)
  3. DBT Project on Pyramiding of Rust Resistance Genes into High Grain Quality Wheat Lines Developed Through Marker-assisted Selection (2018-21)(PI)
  4. ICAR-NASF Project on Exploiting alien genetic resources for developing climate resilient wheat and understanding mechanism of heat tolerance (2018-21) (PI)
  5. DBT-US Project on Identification and characterization of different pathotypes of yellow rust pathogen (Puccinia striiformis) with Foldscope (2018-19) (PI)
  6. DBT Project on Development of chromosomal segmental substitution lines for 5U chromosome of Ae. triuncialis for transfer and mapping of multiple disease resistance and grain softness in elite wheat background (2017-20) (PI)
  7. DBT Project on Improvement of end use quality of 1BL/1RS translocation containing wheat varieties by removing of Sec-1 loci and retaining Glu-B3 using marker assisted backcross breeding (2015-20) (PI)
  8. DBT Project on Whole genome sequence based SSR markers development in mungbean and their utilization in mapping of MYMV resistance in an interspecific cross (2015-18) (PI)
  9. UGC Project on Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance gene derived from Aegilops tauschii and its transfer into elite wheat cultivars (2013-16) (PI)
  10. DBT Project on Genetic Enhancement of Minor Pulses: Characterization, Evaluation, Genetic enhancement and generation of genomic resources for accelerated utilization and improvement of minor pulses (2018-21) (Co-PI)
  11. DBT Project on Genetic Enhancement of Mungbean Through Interspecific Hybridization and Molecular Interventions (2013-16) (Co-PI)

Selected Research Publications :

  1. Dhaliwal, S. K. Gill, R. K., Sharma, A., Kaur, A., Bhatia, D. and Kaur, S. (2022) A large-effect QTL introgressed from ricebean imparts resistance to Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus in blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper). Theoretical and Applied Genetics https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-022-04234-5
  2. Kumar, A., Sandhu, N., Kumar, P., Pruthi, G., Singh, J., Kaur, S. and Chhuneja, P. (2022) Genome-wide identification and in silico analysis of NPF, NRT2, CLC and SLAC1/SLAH nitrate transporters in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Scientific Reports. 12, 11227 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-15202-w
  3. Tanin, M.J., Sharma, A., Saini, D.K., Singh, S., Kashyap, L., Srivastava, P., Mavi, G.S., Kaur, S., Kumar, V., Kumar, V., Grover, G., Chhuneja, P. and Sohu, V.S. (2022) Yield and grain protein content stability in wheat genotypes having Gpc-B1 gene using univariate, multivariate and correlation analysis. Frontiers in Genetics :Plant Genomics.13: 100190. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1001904
  4. Singh, L., Dhillon, G. S., Kaur, S., Dhaliwal, S.K., Kaur, A., Malik, P., Kumar, A., Gill, R.K. and Kaur, S*. (2022) Genome wide association study for yield and yield-related traits in diverse blackgram panel (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) reveals novel putative alleles for future breeding programs. Frontier in Genetics 13:849016. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.849016
  5. Kaur, R., Dhillon, G.S., Kaur, A., Kaur, S., Kaur, P., Kaur, D., Kumar, A., Singh, R., Mavi, G.S., Grewal, S.K., Chhuneja, P. and Kaur, S*. (2022) Marker-assisted introgression of genes into rye translocation leads to the improvement in bread making quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Heredity 128(6):531-541doi:10.1038/s41437-022-00538-w
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